L’Istituto di Geofisica e Meteorologia dell’Università di Colonia ha annunciato che il prossimo Giovedì 25 maggio 2023, alle ore 14:30 (ora italiana) si svolgerà il seminario dal titolo: “What did we learn with the EUREC4A dataset?
A look at clouds and precipitation in the Tropics”, curato dalla Dott.ssa Claudia Acquistapace. Il seminario si svolgerà sia in presenza presso la Lecture Room 1P – DICAM – Università of Trento, Via Mesiano 77 Trento, sia online al seguente link Zoom: https://unitn.zoom.us/j/83543594724 (ID: 835 4359 4724, Passcode: 052914). Vi riportiamo un abstract del seminario e la biografia della dottoressa:
Almost three years ago, just before the pandemic, the EUREC4A field campaign was taking place, deploying a wide array of observational platforms in and over the tropical Atlantic Ocean around Barbados. The significant scope of the campaign was quantifying macrophysical properties of trade-wind cumuli as a function of the large-scale environment and providing a reference data set that may build a benchmark for the modeling and the satellite observation of shallow clouds and circulation. In addition to these big research questions, the observations allow for investigating the trades' precipitation life cycle, including how precipitation relates to evaporation and cold pools. Today, a special issue on Earth System Science Data [1] collects the datasets that have been produced, and more are still yet to come. In this talk, we will go over the primary scientific outcomes from the EUREC4A campaign and discuss the latest research on mesoscale organization patterns as seen from satellites. We will also look at unique ship-based observations of clouds and rain. We will discuss how they interact with the ocean underneath and impact the atmospheric boundary layer humidity. Finally, we will discuss future challenges, still-open research questions, and opportunities for future studies. Bio Claudia’s path starts in Pisa, where she got her bachelor degree in general Physics, and then went on in Bologna, where she completed her master in physics focusing on atmosphere with a thesis on satellite remote sensing of light precipitation in Europe. Then, she moved to Cologne for completing a PhD within the Marie Curie initial training network focusing on drizzle detection but this time from the ground, using cloud radar Doppler spectra, for which she was awarded with the Reinhard-Süring-Stiftung 2019 Research award. She employed her first post-doc to use her observations to evaluate the performance of the ICON-LEM model. She was then actively taking part in the EUREC4A measurement campaign as PI on the research vessel Maria S. Merian, conducting radar ship-based observations of clouds and rain in the tropics. Currently she is completing a master in science communication at the University of Trento and she will soon start her new position as junior research group leader in Cologne, coming back to satellite remote sensing, this time for better understanding extreme precipitation events using machine learning methods. She is the science communication manager of the PROBE Cost Action and she also got funding for outreach projects, like the videodocumentary on women in science “Wetoo: what they don’t tell you” [2] and for the realization of an outreach video on atmospheric boundary layer [3], which was awarded by the AISAM association with a communication price.