Per la serie di Seminari di Meteorologia Ambientale curati dall’Università di Trento, il prossimo giovedi 30 maggio 2024, alle ore 14:30, si terrà il seminario dal titolo: “Modeling of atmospheric composition: from continental to urban scale“. Il simposio sarà curato dal prof. Tony C. Landi dell’ Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate, National Research Council (CNR-ISAC).
L’evento è aperto a tutti ed è possibile seguirlo sia in presenza, presso la Lecture Room 1P (Floor 1) – DICAM – University of Trento, Via Mesiano 77 Trento (Italy), oppure online attraverso la piattaforma “Zoom” inserendo le seguenti credenziali:
Streaming online: (Meeting ID: 897 6765 1238, Passcode: 591655)
Vi lasciamo un abstract del seminario:
The development of a modeling chain from continental to urban scale involves integrating various computational tools and approaches to analyze the key features from synoptic circulation up to building-resolved atmospheric dynamics. Currently, such an approach is essential for developing comprehensive models that can inform
decision-making and urban planning in response to climate change and urbanization challenges. These resources reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the field, combining climate science, mesoscale and microscale meteorology, atmospheric composition, urban planning, and computational modeling to address complex environments. During the last years, much effort was made to enhance the numerical models with components needed for applications in urban environments, like fully interactive land surface and radiation schemes and chemistry.
In this seminar will be presented how different scales and processes might be addressed by a proper use of numerical modeling. At the continental scale, Chemical Transport Models (CTMs) provide insights into the transport, chemical transformation, and deposition of atmospheric pollutants over large regions. These models incorporate comprehensive physical and chemical processes to simulate interactions between the atmosphere, biosphere, and human activities. They are essential for evaluating the long-range transport of pollutants and their effects on climate and human health.
On the other hand, Urban-scale models, such as Large-Eddy Simulations (LES), resolve turbulent flows at high resolutions, making them suitable for detailed studies of the atmospheric boundary layer and urban environments. Highly accurate geospatial data (buildings, vegetation, streets, soil, water bodies, etc..) are needed to achieve representative results to understand the quantitative impact of the near-surface microscale structures on atmospheric dynamics and composition.