seminari corsi meteorologia

Il prossimo giovedì 9 novembre alle ore 14:30, all’interno della serie dei seminari di meteorologia ambientale dell’Università di Trento, la dott.ssa Lena Pfister dell’Università di Innsbruck terrà il seminario dal titolo: Resolvable scales of field campaigns and how distributed temperature sensing can close gaps.

L’evento potrà essere seguito in presenza presso la Lecture Room 1P (1st floor) del DICAM dell’ Università di Trento, Via Mesiano, 77 (Trento) ed online attraverso il seguente link:  (Meeting ID: 810 8870 1142, Passcode: 032645).

Field campaigns are the backbone of atmospheric research. In the
planning phase many decisions have to be made concerning which
atmospheric features to target and how. It is not uncommon to realize
afterwards that the targeted features are not resolved completely due to
missing observed scales. Some missing scales might be intentional (e.g.
not having the needed instrument, location, ...), but some might have
been missed in the planning phase. In my talk I want to present a method
which helps identify missing observed scales already in the planning
phase. Further, I want to talk about the importance of distributed
temperature sensing and what scales can be resolved with this technique.
Therefore, I will show the resolved scales of the Shallow Cold Pool
experiment (SCP), 2012, Colorado, USA which had a big network of
observations including distributed temperature sensing. Only due to
distributed temperature sensing we could identify a thermal
submeso-scale motion and due to the network we could systematically
analyze it.

2010-2016: B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Geoecology (broad study of geology,
hydrology, ecology, soil and atmospheric sciences, and their chemical
aspects) at the University of Bayreuth, Germany.
2016-2020: PhD in Micrometeorology "Improving our understanding of the
atmospheric weak wind boundary layer using spatially explicit
observations near the ground surface" (included distributed temperature
sensing) at the University of Bayreuth, Germany; included trips to the
US to talk with distributed temperature sensing experts
during PhD also working in the ERC DarkMix project further developing
distributed temperature sensing
2021 - present: PostDoc in the Atmospheric Dynamics Group, Atmospheric
and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck: Working on
near-surface boundary layer, MOST, managing the measurement network
i-Box, and was Co-manager of the TEAMx-PC22 (TEAMx pre-campaign in 2022)
In my free time: Ultimate Frisbee player and trainer