seminari corsi meteorologia

Il prossimo giovedì 26 ottobre alle ore 14:30, all’interno della serie dei seminari di meteorologia ambientale dell’Università di Trento, il dott. Gianpaolo Balsamo dell’European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) terrà il seminario dal titolo: Monitoring CO2 Anthropogenic Emissions with an Earth system approach.

L’evento potrà essere seguito in presenza presso la Lecture Room 1P (1st floor) del DICAM dell’ Università di Trento, Via Mesiano, 77 (Trento) ed online attraverso il seguente link: (Meeting ID: 883 1608 9042, Passcode: 445145).

Vi lasciamo un abstract del seminario e la biografia del dott. Balsamo

Under the guidance of the European Commission, and in particular its CO2
Task Force, developments of new Copernicus service elements capable of
using Earth observations to monitor human-induced carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions have reached a first prototype phase. The CO2 Human Emissions
(CHE) project had successfully gathered efforts of 22 partners to
develop the building blocks (mapping, modelling, data assimilation,
uncertainty characterization) of a European CO2 monitoring and
verification support (CO2MVS) capacity for global CO2 emissions related
to human activities. A chain of modelling approaches produces global,
regional and local CO2 simulations, with a focus on the representation
of human-emission sources. The CHE project has moved closer towards a
high-resolution CO2 global inversion capacity to connect atmospheric
concentrations to surface emissions, and shown how satellites and
ground- based Earth observations can be used to limit uncertainties and
to prepare for an operational CO2 monitoring system. High-resolution
global simulations (at 9 km) covering the whole of 2015 were used as
input for regional and local simulations over Europe (at 5 km and 1 km
resolution) and have been used to simulate satellite observations from a
future dedicated CO2 Monitoring mission. The CHE Horizon 2020 project,
which ran from October 2017 to December 2020, transferred all its
findings to a new project, now dedicated to the prototype Copernicus CO2
Service, the CoCO2 project running from January 2021 to December 2023.
This follow-on project is focused on supporting the 1st Global Stocktake
in 2023 of the Paris Agreement in partnership with the European
Commission, countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, and international interested parties. The presentation
will include some of the key achievements, list the challenges and
perspectives in 2021.


Gianpaolo Balsamo is an ECMWF principal scientist and team leader for
Earth system coupled processes. He is involved in the coordination and
system integration for the CHE/CoCO2 projects. He has a PhD/Habilitation
in Meteorology/Earth system science from the French University Paul
Sabatier and an invited professorship for climate-change at Politecnico
of Turin, department of environmental, land and infrastructure
