seminari corsi meteorologia

Per la serie di seminari in meteorologia ambientale dell’Università di Trento, Giovedì 30 novembre alle ore 14:30, i dott. Karl Lapo e Lena Pfister, assegnisti di ricerca presso il Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN) dell’Università di Innsbruck, terranno il seminario dal titolo: Distributed Temperature Sensing of the Boundary Layer: How to go beyond pretty pictures and case studies.

Il seminario si terrà in presenza presso la lecture room 1P (first floor) – DICAM – dell’Università di Trento, in via Masiano 77 ed in streaming su Zoom al seguente link: (Meeting ID: 860 9954 9931, Passcode: 660876).

Si riporta l’abstract del seminario e la biografia dei dott. Lapo e Pfister.

We go over the history of Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) in the
boundary layer, specifically looking at the connection between
experimental design and hypothesis testing. A general problem for
boundary layer studies becomes apparent: we lack conceptual and
mathematical frameworks for the analysis of complex geospatial data. The
lack of framework is a general limitation in applied mathematics: our
tools are suited for analysis in time or in space, but not both
simultaneously. In other words we lack the tools for robust
spatiotemporal analysis.
We show how to break through this analytical logjam through hypothesis
driven machine learning techniques. Using this we reveal fundamental
features of the boundary layer which largely evaded prior detection. The
dominant shape of the stable boundary layer is sublayered, with profound
impacts on similarity theory. Additionally, we developed a breakthrough
in applied mathematics, building a method specifically tailored to the
types of data commonly found in boundary layer studies. We briefly
highlight this method with the first ever analysis of non-monochromatic
gravity waves. We connect the resolved features from this applied
mathematics method to the concept of a field experiment's resolvable
scales. In doing so we highlight how the combination of both novel
observations and methods is necessary to close the observational gaps of
the boundary layer.

BioKarl Eric Lapo is a Senior Postdoc at the University of Innsbruck,
Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences since 2022 on ESPRIT
grant. He got a PhD in atmospheric sciences at the University of
Washington in 2017. He developed cutting-edge analytic techniques for
complex geospatial data is an expert in Distributed Temperature Sensing
(DTS). He also developed the DTS distributed wind direction method,
characterized for the first time thermal submeso fronts, and
characterized the missing scales of boundary layer observations, e.g.
for gravity waves and morning transitions. PhD investigated
surface-atmosphere energy exchange in regions of complex terrain using
underutilized observations.
Lena Pfister is a PostDoc in the Atmospheric Dynamics Group, Atmospheric
and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck since 2021. She works
on near-surface boundary layer, MOST, managing the measurement network
i-Box, and was Co-manager of the TEAMx-PC22 (TEAMx pre-campaign in
2022). She got a PhD in Micrometeorology with a thesis on "Improving our
understanding of the atmospheric weak wind boundary layer using
spatially explicit observations near the ground surface"  at the
University of Bayreuth, Germany