2 posizioni di post-doc presso l’università di Roma Tor Vergata
AISAM é lieta di segnalare l’apertura di due posizioni di post-doc presso l’università di Roma Tor Vergata nell’ambito del progetto REGACE EU. La scadenza per inviare la propria candidatura é fissata al 28 Luglio 2023. Maggiori informazioni di seguito:
Our research group is currently seeking talented Post-Docs for two post doc positions that combine innovative technologies with sustainable agriculture. The two positions are within the REGACE EU project
(https://www.regaceproject.com/) and deal with:
1) “Optimization and Energy Simulation of PV Greenhouses Using Innovative AI Techniques”: This project aims to develop an AI model that uses advanced machine learning techniques to simulate and optimize novel PV greenhouse systems, impacting greenhouse design, crop production management, energy conservation, and microclimate control.
2) “Experimental Analysis of Bifacial PV Modules Performance and Greenhouse Microclimate”: This role will involve experimental analysis and characterization of bifacial photovoltaic modules in real operating conditions, data collection, and microclimate analysis in greenhouses.
The deadline for applications is the 28th of July, 2023.