opportunità di lavoro

Segnaliamo una posizione disponibile presso il Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC):

  1. Scientific Software Developer for the Digital Twin of the Ocean (scadenza 30 Aprile 2023)

Per fare domanda seguire questo link.

Maggiori sulla posizione dettagli di seguito:

The CMCC Foundation is a scientific research center on climate change and its interactions with the environment, the society, the world of business and policy makers.

Our work aims to stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment, and develop strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

Our Division of Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA) is looking for new positions of Software Developers for the Digital Twin of the Ocean to be included in the SURF relocatable ocean platform (SURF website) research group. The successful candidate will be responsible for:

  1. supporting modelling developments, implementation, and validation;
  2. porting/recoding/re-engineering/developing numerical procedures in the frame of ocean models;
  3. deployment of applications and services with virtualization software such as Dockers;
  4. support for designing a compelling easy-to-use Graphical User Interface to configure and manage model applications.

We are looking for motivated persons with the following requirements:

  • M.Sc. degree (or equivalent working experience) in Computer Science, Engineering, or other scientific disciplines (i.e., physics, mathematics);
  • knowledge of UNIX/Linux operating systems and script languages (i.e., *nix shell);
  • good knowledge and skills in programming language (i.e., Python and Fortran/C);
  • knowledge of version control systems (i.e., git).

Furthermore, it is welcome that you have as much as possible of the following experience:

  • fluency in English;
  • knowledge of GIS and mesh generator software;
  • knowledge of workflow management platforms;
  • experience in managing/manipulating NetCDF data.

Belonging to legally protected categories (ex L. 68/99) will constitute a preferential condition.

Some fiscal benefit could be applied for repatriated workers or foreign researchers/professors, having the requirements defined by Dlgs 147/2015 (for repatriates) or Dl 78/2010 (for foreigners).

The appointment period will be initially 24 months, renewable for two additional years pending a positive evaluation. Tenure can be granted from 2 to 4 years after being appointed as a junior researcher.

Some fiscal benefit could be applied for repatriated workers or foreign researches/professors, having the requirements defined by Dlgs 147/2015 (for repatriates) or Dl 78/2010 (for foreigners).

The position is under the sponsorship of the projects: Underlying models for the European DIgital Twin Ocean (EDITO-Model Lab); the Earth Observation Advanced science Tools for Sea level Extreme Events (EOatSEE); Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Centres; Fish RISE – Remote, Intelligent & Sustainable aquaculturE system for Fish;  and REST-COAST – Large scale RESToration of COASTal ecosystems through rivers to sea connectivity.

This job announcement is a public invitation to express interest for the above mentioned CMCC Position.