seminari corsi meteorologia

Giovedì 5 Maggio alle ore 14:30 presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Meccanica dell’ Università di Trento (Aula 1P) si terrà il seminario: “Here comes the sun”: predicting weather and climate for industrial and commercial applications.

Il seminario, tenuto da Marcello Petitta (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), potrà essere seguito anche in streaming:
Meeting ID: 853 3358 1263
Passcode: 971493

Ever since radio and TV have become widespread, weather forecasting has
been one of the ever-present services. Nowadays, there are various
weather forecast apps on mobile phones and computers and we all look at
weather forecasts to plan our days and weeks. At the same time, weather
forecasts on short timescales (up to seven days) have important
commercial applications for various sectors such as energy, water,
agriculture, sports and insurance, and specialised companies and
services are active in this market.

On timescales longer than a week, weather forecasts are no longer
useful, but new climate services for commercial activities and industry
now provide information and forecasts on monthly, seasonal and decadal
timescales. These services are relatively new, and a number of companies
and institutions are working to provide commercial climate services for
a variety of industries.
In this presentation we will focus on the role of researchers in
providing and communicating weather and climate forecast information for
commercial and industrial use. Examples of climate services in the
energy, water, agriculture and insurance sectors will be presented. The
role of forecast uncertainties will be discussed and suggestions made on
how to communicate these uncertainties. Finally, the role of artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods for climate and weather
forecasting will be analysed and practical examples of their use will be