opportunità di lavoro

Segnaliamo una posizione disponibile presso il Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC):

POST DEGREE-Data Science skills (scadenza 16 Dicembre 2022)

Link per applicare.

Maggiori dettagli di seguito:

The CMCC Foundation is a scientific research center on climate change and its interactions with the environment, the society, the world of business and policy makers.

Our work aims to stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment and develop strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

Our Division of Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC Division) is considering the possibility to hire a talented and proactive Post Degree candidate to support CMCC research activities. The contract will be jointly funded by CMCC and the HPC Training and Research for Earth Sciences (HPC-TRES) program.

The job location is CMCC Headquarters in Lecce, Italy.

We are looking for a motivated person with the following requirements:

  • M.Sc. degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or equivalent fields;
  • 2+ years’ experience in scientific software development;
  • Excellent knowledge of C programming language;
  • Excellent knowledge of Python programming language;
  • Good knowledge of parallel programming (MPI, OpenMP libraries);
  • Good knowledge of Python scientific libraries (numpy, scipy, pandas);
  • Good knowledge of Git;
  • Good working experience with Linux environment;
  • Good knowledge of both written and spoken English language.

Additional preferred experience:

  • Good knowledge of NETCDF/GRIB data formats and corresponding tools;
  • (NCO, CDO), and Python libraries (xarray, iris, cartopy);
  • Experience with Jupyter notebooks;
  • Good knowledge of database systems;
  • Experience with HPC systems.

Belonging to legally protected categories (ex L. 68/99) will constitute a preferential condition.

We offer the opportunity to join our team through a temporary contract of n° 12 months starting from February 2023, with the possibility of contract extension based on performance, results achieved and new project opportunities.

Annual salary ranging is from22K to 28K Euros, comprehensive of benefits, depending on qualification and experience.

This job announcement is a public invitation to express interest for the above mentioned CMCC Position.