Dear Colleagues, 

Here is the Program Book of the Session 3 of IGM/C-07 to be held on December 1, 2021 (Wednesday) at 13:00 UTC (8:00 AM US/Canada EST). After opening of the session, the Value Proposition of IFMS will be reiterated by Dr. Harinder Ahluwalia to set the foundation for the discussion on it and to come up with any new ideas from the Panelists and other participants in this Webinar. As a minimum, the Session will inform participants about the Value Proposition and activities of IFMS and how it plans to work with WMO and WB to build capacity around the world – especially in developing and least developed countries. The Panel consists of the following high level professionals who are serving the Global Weather Enterprise in many different ways for many years. Dear National and Regional Meteorological Societies, The international Forum of Meteorological Societies ( is conducting its Conference as per the attached Agenda through Zoom. The first 3 sessions have been successfully completed.

The Session 4 on December 8, 2021 at 8:00 AM is a Public Lecture through Zoom by Dr. Harinder Ahluwalia on Global Warming and Climate Change (GW&CC) with some latest information from COP-26 which was just held in Glasgow Scotland a couple of weeks ago. It is very important for all citizens to know what is going on about GW&CC – the most important current topic for our survival! The objective is to inform everybody including the uninitiated ones, about the current state of discussion and measures being taken. The overall event will be conducted in 2 parts: Part 1 is the Public Lecture by Dr. Harinder Ahluwalia. Part 2 is the Panel Discussion with a Moderator and 5 experts in the field of Meteorology and Climatology. Please see the bottom of this page. Part 1 itself will be divided into two subparts: In the first sub-part we will discuss: a. What is GW&CC and what is causing it, b. How we can reduce, if not eliminate, it, c. What are the impacts of GW&CC on our health/life and property, d. Where we can learn much more about it. The Second sub-part will deal with knowing that GW&CC is happening, how we can protect ourselves from its adverse effects. We will discuss the following topics: a. What is required to protect ourselves e.g., accurate impact-based weather forecasting, Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems, building Institutional and Societal Capacity, etc. b. We will also discuss what is our organization IFMS doing in Capacity Building in the above areas. More ideas will be exchanged in subsequent Panel discussion which follows immediately after the Public Lecture in which the experts will provide their views and through Q&A clarify doubts of participants. Please try to invite as many of your colleagues and friends and relatives as possible because it is a very important and urgent matter for the survival of our humanity.

Please distribute it widely to the members of your National Meteorological Society. It is for the benefit of all members of your Society and General Public to raise awareness about Global Warming. You can register for the event (free of any charge) on the following link: The 5th Session of our Conference is on December 15, 2021 at 8:00 AM Montreal Time will be on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MH-EWS) for safeguarding people’s life and property. In that session, the first two experts will speak about implementation of such a system in Europe and that will be followed by opening statements by Expert Moderator and Panelists who will provide their ideas on MH-EWS. All the best, Harinder Ahluwalia Get Educated about the Global Warming and what we as citizens need to do. It is not only Government’s job! This Session will educate you about the problem and you will understand better how we can all contribute to the solution. Knowledge is power! Dear Friends, It is important that all members of our communities understand what is happening to our mother Earth and what we are supposed to do to save it. Closing our eyes like a pigeon when it sees a Cat is not going to save us. This session is for General Public to understand this very serious problem for which United Nations is holding a lot of meetings and the Governments are obsessed to find solutions. Please do attend the following session which is a Public Lecture by me to illustrate through movie clips and Power Point Presentation, what is going on with our planet and if we don’t take serious action what we could face.